Monday, October 12, 2009


Ahhh so let's see... no homework, laptop full of music, nice comfy bed... Today was gonna' be nice. Wrong! As soon as Mom got me from school she broke the horrific news... WASA (Water and Sewage Authority) was doing some work in Glenco near my home and it was gridlock up to the Foreshore (pretty darn far for all who don't know the areas. I would estimate but I suck at that so...). So we ate at Elerslie Plaza in Maraval and went to Pricemart in Movie Towne to meet my Dad who had just got out of Carenage (suburbs where I live - and Dad was supposed to be at work at like 10 am - now it's like 6 pm). That's where traffic had backed up from... Well to cut a long story short... we tried to get home... in traffic for an hour or more... parked up and began to walk home (this time I'm with Dad; Mom had already made it through to home). So yeah we stop at Subway - Dad buys a footlong Melt on Parmesan Oregano Bread (who really cares) and we call Mom to pick us up :D We walked quite a bit... had to get pass the road works so... oh and now its like 8 pm... walking the streets of Carenage in the dark of night (well we have street lights but) yeh so I guess my Mom has to take Dad to pick up his car tomorrow XD
Yup fun... Well that's all haha boredom... Bye xXxx (My British cousin's friends who are boys use *kisses* so why can't I)


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