Tuesday, June 2, 2009

C'est mardi...

It's Tuesday!!! Umm... I mean... it's Tuesday :( :( :(.
So what could be worse than Monday?? Say hello to Tuesday. At least Monday is a change from the weekend but Tuesday just sits there, not in the middle but not 1st either. So rundown for the week:
1. Should probably get the dean to post my flyer for the cricket tournament that we're creating for our Phys Ed SBA, on the notice board. Especially seeing as it's on Thursday and it might be nice to have the flyer up at least a day before the event!

2. Then on Thursday, I'll be at CIC Grounds from 8:00 a.m. to .... executing said tournament.

3. Friday... hey there's is nothing to do on Friday!! Oh except finish all my Chemistry labs by then!

Yeah, and studying, well studying's not going to well for me. I've reached a point where I can't even pretend to study... I won't even pick up a book. It's just so hard sifting through so much of known work to find maybe one thing that I might wanna' commit to memory...

Things can't fall apart now!! CSEC is next year!


Coeur Sacré said...

I know exactly what you mean about that revising part...

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