Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolutions?

Let's see... what do I resolve to do differently in the new year? Absolutely Nothing!!
I don't know why people seem to think that they have to set goals for the new year?? Does a arbitrary concept of measuring time really mean that much to us? I'll just decide to things on my own time...
But still I may as well list some things that I've resolved to do before and aren't quite completed yet:
1. Read a lot more. But that's on its way. These days I can't seem to put down the books and I have a pile on my desk that I need to work through - mainly form Christmas. I just have to work on maintaining that pile. If for one second, the pile ceases to exist, then I will probably have a relapse of my lazy, non-reading ways.
2. Learn mouth to mouth resuscitation. I need to learn this for my practical CSEC PE examination in swimming. Scary huh? I think so...
3. Dramatically improve my piano playing.
4. Learn to play the guitar.

Erm.... that's all for now folks... what about you guys?


Anonymous said...

I need to read more too :( I never find time to go to the library anymore haha. I wish I could play the piano :P

Anonymous said...

I just realized your name is Levi, and your site name is Cafe Denim lol :)

Jules said...

Nothing really. I know that sounds super lame, but I just dont feel like changing anything. I like all of my flaws, thank you very much. Does that make me sound superficial or something? I think it does. I guess if I had to make one it would be to follow my heart and my dreams. Set goals for my ultimate dream, and find happiness no matter what I do. Great, now I sound cheesy beyond words. xD Cool blog, btw!

Levi said...

Thanks a lot you guys!
To Auntieanne: Yeh, that's where I got the whole Denim thing from in the first place. "Like Levi's Jeans?!" - The most commonly heard phrase by me.
To Jules: I know what you mean. If you noticed: There's not much I want to change about myself either - just things I want to improve. And sometimes a little superficiality and cheesiness is simply the truth! And thanks about the blog :D

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