Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teacher Hate

Finally... I've just finished my page and a half long essay for Literature tomorrow, for the teacher most people hate. That's been aggravating me these days.
Hatred for teachers.
It may be the increasing pressure of the upcoming CSEC exams or maybe people are just becoming more ignorant( I think the latter of the two. You?), but it seems that everywhere I turn at school, some kid is ranting on about a teacher. Either one doesn't give enough notes, one gives too many or someone's going off on my Physics teacher (who I, frankly, think is awesome). Yes, so there's always been some teacher criticism but it seems to have taken on a whole new level lately. And the self-righteous prigs blame teachers for their own issues. It's the teacher's fault that they failed that test or that they didn't do their homework. I think it annoys me more than others because I do pretty well in almost all classes so to see people blaming teachers for problems I face and overcome all the time is quite aggravating. When will these people start pulling their own weight instead of waiting, mouths-open wide, to be spoon-fed with the material. If I can do it, so can they... trust me...

Oh... almost forgot- Song of the Day- Paramore- Careful


Anonymous said...

I currently hate my French teacher. I would love to switch out of the course but my love for the language is just way too strong. My fave teacher has got to be my art teacher. She allows me to skip class and she already did 2 of my assignments.

Kabeer said...

wow levi "self-righteous prigs" hahaha

Levi said...

Some new vocab huh Kabeer? And to the Demoiselle, I completely understand. After all French is la belle langue. Your art teacher sounds amazing :D!!

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