Monday, November 2, 2009

You know that thing....

Here's a list of things that I really want/need to do:

1. Have my own Daily Journal

2. Get a scrapbook for writing

3. Get a pocket notepad to write down sudden thoughts that pop into my mind (questions, ideas, songs, etc.).

4. Get my skydiving license.

5. Get my diving license (maybe that should be prioritized before skydiving).

6. Go to Dubai.

7. Go to France.

8. Learn to speak French fluently.

9. Write a novel.

10. Write poetry.

11. Learn to play the guitar.

12. Perfect my pianoism (nice word- I know)

13. Go to medical school.

14. Learn a new word each day.

15. Get extremely fit.

16. Think I'm in love.

17. Realise I'm not.

18. Really fall in love.

19. Get rich.

20. Live anywhere but Trinidad or any other tiny landmass surrounded by water - I think that's called an island...

Well... that's 20. Let's see if I can't make 100 before the month is up.


Suni said...

this is kinda weird but its EXTREMELY amazing how much we have in common.
firstly, i keep a journal!!!
and(wait for it...)
have my own personal tiny note book for sudden thoughts.
i love twilight and i'm a complete geek when it comes to reading!!!!
And my mum's from Trinidad...(she's half Trinidadian)
so.....i hope you get to do everything on your list.

check out my blog :)
and feel free to write whatever you feel.
i'm a very open minded person
see you
By the way i loove your blog....really interesting

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