Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Work, Work, Work...

Ah...vacation lessons, the reason kids think their parents are pessimistic sadists. I did too you know... but I've learned that when parents say that you have to throw away 2 years of your life preparing for some stupid and extremely flawed examination system, all the while fighting a barrage of unnecessary extra lessons and hearing them whine and complain about studying.... it's because they love you. Oh yeh I definitely accept that... I know that they care about me and want me to be happy but could they care a bit less? I know I'm probably sounding like a kid whose just being silly about the whole situation and you know what? - I would be... If I didn't do absolutely fine in school. And if I use that argument they start on forming good work habits. Now that is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard!! Good habits?? Come on guys you're going to have to do better than that...
I can change whenever I want to - The reason I don't is that I don't need to. When someone can show me that there actually is a problem with the way I treat work then I will take heed but 'till then...
But I don't know why I even bother resisting - When parents say you should study and go to lessons, they mean you will study and go to lessons or you can lose the internet, your computer, television and iPod. Not like there's much of a choice.
On that note - I wish parents would hit their kids more... okay, time for an explanation right? Well I don't mean beat them abusively (some might argue that those two words are redundant together) but a slap or whack now and then never hurt. Plus this whole new age thing about don't hit your kids has given rise to creative punishments like confiscations and bans - in other words, punishments that actually work to hurt  the kid.
Ah well you can see I have some issues to work through...
This is Levi and this has been yet another rant on work and parents (love them though!!)


Kabeer said...

woot levi is ranting :D lol and yeah my rents are the same

Unknown said...

I so know about the behavior part!
They start on that once they know the other can't be used !

Miss. Sarcastic said...

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